Please contact Russell at to inquire about how you can contribute.
Humanitarian Aid Delivery
My Mission
My work on the Information Front is as important to our cause than anything I can do at the Front with a rifle or an RPG. What is my work, what is our cause? Our cause, above all, is to defend the Novorussian People from the nazi butchers who want to enslave us. We are fighting fascism in the realest sense there is, with our lives. And we are not only defending ourselves, we are defending the world from the reemergence of genuine fascism. We also help the innocent victims of this war. We have donated many tons of humanitarian aid, everything from books to chocolate, with special attention going to kids and the elderly. We have also raised close to $11,000 for Anna Tuv, who lost her daughter, husband, left arm and home in a Ukrop Army terror bombing.
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Future Projects
See my earlier articles and video reports. »
Future plans (sequence subject to change):
- One day with firefighters (soon)
- Donetsk airport (front line)
- Mines (need permission)
- Plants (need permission)
- Sea of Azov, Industrial Fishing Rods (I think better in the spring)
- Army sappers DNI (we have a good connection)
- Farms Donbass, food (I think better in the spring, when the harvesters will clean the field)
- The Ministry of Communications, the interview with the Minister
- Unit "of the USSR-Bryanka" (LNR)
- Peski (front line)
- Lectures at Donetsk University about life in the USA and my experiences in the war here.
The Truth is my Weapon
Getting the truth out about what is really happening in Donbass is also a crucial part of our mission. Along with the Essence of Time Information Service, I have made scores of video reports from all over the DNR, from Mariupol to Gorlovka, and collectively our videos have been viewed well over a million times. I have written dozens of articles about the situation and my experiences here. The truth is a powerful weapon, and I am here to tell the truth. Most Western mass media broadcast distortions, speculations or outright lies, but I am here, on the ground with a firsthand view of what's really going on. I am not a propagandist, I don't get paid by anyone, my message is the truth as I see it and as I report it. We don't have to lie, we are the good guys here, but we are up against an enemy who has millions of dollars and experts in information manipulation who mislead the West, and have an unspoken agenda. My agenda is clear - to fight fascism and to help and protect the people of Donbass. The truth is my weapon, and I am here to tell it. But I need your help to continue this work. By contributing, you also become a part of the effort to get the truth out to as many people as possible, especially in the West. It is important work that can have an impact on history, and on the future. Join us.
Where your Money Goes
Your contribution will go to support me and the Essence of Time Information Services in our work, and to various humanitarian aid projects we undertake on a regular basis. The EoT crew is a vital part of the information work here. They have cameras, transportation, technological support, editors and a strong internet presence. They continue to be one of the best and most important media outlets in Novorussia, and they have been, since the beginning of the conflict here. They are serious, dedicated people, and experts at their jobs.I am proud to be working with them, and glad to have them working with me. We are truly making a difference here. Contributions from people like you make it possible for us to continue doing so. Every little bit helps and even small donations add up. The cost of living is low here, and our living expenses are minimal. Our main expenses are transportation and technology, without which it would be virtually impossible to do our work. Please consider a small monthly donation of $10 or $20 to help us continue our work. We will face the dangers and hardships of life in a war zone, and we will continue to do whatever it takes to get the facts to the world on a timely basis. Become a part of this effort by supporting our work with a contribution today.
Contact me
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me on my Facebook or VK page, or send an email to me at
Thanks for your support. We are all in this together, and together, we can make a better world, for ourselves and for our children.