
Thursday, November 14, 2019


Well, LOL. Now Dr. Michael Baden has admitted there was NO DNA TEST done at the autopsy of the alleged body of Epstein that was brought to the NYC Medical Examiner's office, where Baden oversaw the autopsy.  No fingerprints taken, no dental records, no photo of the dead body's face. No DNA test. The ONLY ID of the body was Mark Epstein saying it was his brother, Jeffery. Oddly enough, for some reason, not one single MSM reporter or commentator had asked this MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION IN THE CASE, for almost 3 months, until Jason Goodman, an independent journalist put Baden on the spot by calling Baden and recording the call, asking specifically about a DNA test.  The video of the call was published Nov. 12th.

The body was "identified" based solely on the confirmation of  Mark Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein's brother, who had just inherited $578 million based on his brother's "death". Mark Epstein is the majority owner of 301 E. 66th St in NYC, an apartment building that has been "tied to the financier’s alleged New York trafficking ring.” Specifically, several apartments in the building were “being used to house underage girls from South America, Europe and the former Soviet Union,” according to a former bookkeeper employed by one of Epstein’s main procurers of underage girls, Jean Luc Brunel. 

Mark "Puggie" Epstein

So, Mark "Puggie" Epstein, potential suspect and co-conspirator in Jeff's sex slave racket, whose personal fortune was previously declared at a paltry $8 million, by identifying the body as his brother, closes the investigation that could lead to his own indictment, and inherits $578 million from his "deceased" brother in the deal. And so "Puggie's" word is enough? No other means of identification are required or used? HOW ABOUT FINGERPRINTS? (The FBI must have had a set of Epstein's fingerprints laying around somewhere. Right?) HOW ABOUT A FACIAL PHOTO OF THE DECEASED? (Mark Epstein's ex-wife is a professional photographer in Manhattan.) HOW ABOUT DENTAL RECORDS OR DNA?!

And understand that the MCC New York federal prison where Epstein was held is federal property. Crimes or suspicious deaths that occur there are under the jurisdiction of the FBI. Epstein's "death" was the first alleged suicide reported at MCC New York in 13 years. By "dying", (and by "dying", in quotation marks, I mean faking his death), Epstein (Just exactly like Kenneth "Kenny-Boy" Lay) escapes prosecution on crimes that could have imprisoned him for life, saves himself hundreds of million of criminally obtained dollars, which he now gets to bequeath or rather, keep, and squashes the investigation into the clients and co-conspirators who were involved in sex trafficking, child rape and other crimes probably beyond the imagination of normal human beings. 

The "facts" that both of the guards tasked with monitoring Epstein "fell asleep", both of the cameras "malfunctioned", along with the fact that he had been on suicide watch and was then taken off, all point to VERY suspicious circumstances. Trump's Attorney General William Barr said he was "appalled" by Epstein's death and that the FBI and Inspector General were "investigating". 

It was Barr's DOJ lawyers who just recently (this year) argued against voiding the Federal Non-Prosecution Agreement made by Acosta in Epstein's Florida sex trafficking case 12 years ago, which would have prevented any further federal prosecution, and they also argued against the release of the 2,000 pages of evidence and testimony in the case. But according to Barr, "The investigation is ongoing"...

This is like LBJ appointing the Warren Commission, or Bush and Cheney appointing the 9/11 Commission, or the ukrops having veto power over the MH-17 "investigation". Just exactly how fucking obvious does it have to be before people can see it's all 100% bullshit?!

How can it be possible that the FBI did not even reliably identify the body before it was turned over to his brother, and whisked away to who knows where? The identity of the body is THE most important fact in the case. Without that, all other "facts" are moot. Can you really believe  the FBI is that stupid? I can't believe anybody is that stupid. But apparently so... Then again -

Perhaps there's another reason?

                 And here's a bombshell you probably haven't heard about yet... And maybe never will again.

Think this is "fake news"? Here's the link to the full complaint, filed in 2016. Funny how this never made the "real" news, right?  In horrific detail, Katie Johnson charges Trump with raping her multiple times in the summer of 1994, when she was 13 years old. In 2002, Trump told an interviewer,  “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”  2002 minus 15 is 1987. This means Trump was having "a lot of fun" with Epstein way before 1994. The New York Times has also reported that Trump and Epstein took part in a "party" where they were the only two male guests along with 28 women. That sounds like a LOT of "fun", doesn't it? Think they kept their clothes on?

It looks like Trump is as much a dirty (and compromised) pervert as Bill Clinton, who is as dirty as Epstein himself. Epstein almost certainly has heavy duty kompromat on both of them. So both of these degenerates (Clinton AND Trump) have ample reason to want  Epstein and his case to just "go away".  And that is exactly what happened, and is happening, right now, right before your eyes. And they're not just feeding you bullshit, they're rubbing it in your face. And laughing while they do it, because they know that the vast majority of US serfs are too stupid to know, or too cowardly to admit, that 2+2 = 4.

I recently read the first MSM article addressing the possibility that Epstein had neither been murdered or committed suicide. From the Mooney owned and controlled Washington Times, a disinfo operation since its inception almost 40 years ago. The article, "The Ultimate Epstein Death Conspiracy: He is Still Alive", goes on to propose the abjectly imbecilic theory that Epstein was whisked away by the Feds in order to de-brief him for the upcoming trial of all his sleazy child-raping clients, and the fake death was just an added layer of security.  But I have a couple of  question for the idiots who advocate  or believe this third lie - If Epstein is in the Fed's WITSEC program, being protected, who was the dead guy with the broken hyoid bone? Where did he come from, and how did he die?

Epstein is alive alright, but he is protected by Trump and the US gov as much as by the Clinton Mafia, Buckingham Palace, and the billionaire punks of Silicon Valley. Because Epstein has some bad shit on ALL of them.  He's alive alright, but he's not talking, and that's why he's still alive. And he, or rather his dead man's switch, isn't talking because he's still alive.

At best, Epstein and the scum he served got away with hundreds of child rapes, but logic and history indicate rape is only the least of it. It is a fact of human nature that the more perverted you are, the more perverted you become. Raping children leads to raping sisters, to raping twins, to raping 12 year old triplets.  But where do you go from there?  What's the use of having absolute power over someone if you can't use and abuse it? Ask Dean Corll, ask Ted Bundy, ask Charles Ng, ask Oscar Dirlewanger.  Ask Tiberius or Caligula, ask  Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, ask Trump and Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, and go ahead and ask Mark Epstein while you're at it. And ask all their clients and protectors. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."  - Lord Acton.

There is another observation about power that must not be forgotten when regarding the "powerful" scum who make up Epstein's coterie. It is from Orwell's "1984", the most succinct definition of power there is, although the Cambridge Dictionary definition comes pretty close too. In "1984", when Obrien has Winston strapped to the chair in Room 101, he asks Winston, "How does one man exert power over another?"  Winston answers, "By making him suffer."  That's how Epstein and his scum exert their power over the children they tortured and abused. By making them suffer.

The Roman emperor Tiberius used to like to screw everything and everybody, (check the link above) especially little kids. Just like Epstein and his scum. Tiberius had a group of kids called his "Minnows", who would, among other things, nibble on him as he swam nude in his imperial pool. When he tired of them, he would simply have them thrown off a cliff. You know, one like the one next to Epstein's "temple" on his private island. Tiberius could have just let those minnows go. He was the emperor, they were just little kids. But no, he preferred to have them thrown off a cliff. He got something out of it. Remember all the girls from Eastern Europe, South America and the Middle East that the fucking Epstein brothers were keeping in those apartments on E. 66th St.? The ones you never hear any testimony from? What do you think happened to them? You think the Roman emperor Tiberius had more power or was more perverse than Epstein, Clinton, Trump, et al? No, Tiberius and Caligula are their role models. They have or crave absolute power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

And ask yourself what you really believe these absolutely corrupt monsters, these bad men are capable of. These tech billionaires, these "ubermenschen", many of whom openly call themselves "God's Chosen People" (and what does that make the rest of us?) these "smartest guys in the room", these "Herrenvolk", these masters, these kings and princes, they see us normal humans as livestock to be exploited for their profit and pleasure, to be harvested for organs, experimented upon, used as slaves, and then to be exterminated as insects when we are no longer useful or profitable. And that is why I hate them. They are the mortal enemies of Humanity, and they are winning. And I can tell you why they are winning.

When what's left of humanity stands dumbly by while they, their children, their future and their world are raped and devoured to death, who are too stupid to see what is blatantly thrust before their own eyes and rubbed in their faces, who are too cowardly to see the truth, much less do anything about it, who willingly follow the Judas Goat, perhaps their masters are right. Einstein once made a quote about human stupidity being infinite. If he'd been smarter, he'd have mentioned human cowardice and depravity as well.

Armageddon is upon us, the war between Good and Evil in the metaphysical and physical sense. We each must decide which side we will be on, and act accordingly, or our actions or inactions will decide for us and speak for us. We are all going to die, so what matters is what we do while we live. We can stand and fight on the side of truth and justice, even if it is difficult or dangerous, or we can betray ourselves and our children, our future and humanity, and follow the Judas Goat into oblivion.
We are what we do.If we do nothing. we are nothing, and the masters will treat us accordingly.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Several alternative news sites I  truly respect have recently run stories on (or re-posted) the FOX News interview of Dr. Michael Baden about the "homicide" of Jeffery Epstein. I was surprised and sorry to see that these highly esteemed colleagues had taken FOX and Baden at face value and seem to have missed the real story by a wide margin. It is foolish to say "Epstein didn't kill himself" if the inference is that he was murdered. He wasn't, and it is beyond gullible and ignorant to think he was. And yet many otherwise capable people apparently think he was.

They seem to have overlooked the fact that this is a classic disinfo technique. The single most effective way to hide the truth is to get people to argue over two different interpretations of a story, both of which are lies. "Did Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered?" Neither. He is still alive.

Epstein is still alive, and using the facts that we do know, I can prove it. And I can prove that this FOX/Baden brouhaha is a lie, an intentional distraction and classic disinfo.

First, let's stipulate the facts. Epstein was a pimp and blackmailer who ran a honey trap for Mossad and for the CIA/Deep State. He was able to get "kompromat" blackmail material on some of the most powerful people in the world; Presidents, Princes, billionaires, world famous celebrities. Bill Clinton, Trump, Bill Richardson, Dershowitz, Kevin Spacey, Woody Allen. "Randy Andy".  All these scumbags and well known deviants say they hung out with Epstein, flew on his "Lolita Express" private jet, joined him on his private "Orgy Island", multiple times, yet say they not only never partook of forbidden fruits, but say they didn't even know there were any on offer. Right. Sure.
And they only buy Playboy to read the articles, right?

Epstein "had" (or rather, has) a fortune estimated between "only" $500 million and a billion dollars. Eleven years ago he was convicted of procuring an underage girl for prostitution, and was given a sweetheart token sentence of 13 months with work release.  After his release, he remained listed as a Level III (High Risk of Repeat Offense) sex offender.   In 2019, unsurprisingly, he was arrested again on much more serious charges backed by much more evidence, more witnesses and testimony. He is not in prison now, and there will be no trial. All of these facts are well documented by multiple sources and beyond any reasonable grounds for dispute. Anyone who does want to dispute any of the above should read Epstein's Wikipedia page, and all the footnotes first. Otherwise, let's proceed agreeing that these are the facts.

How about facts plus intelligent deduction?!

So, who can believe that Epstein, an ex-convict Level III sex offender, with a vast fortune, connections to US and Israeli secret services, who had blackmail material on some of the most powerful people in the world, who could have been re-arrested at any time (and was) and who had more than a decade to prepare, was unable or unmotivated to create a multi-layered, infallible failsafe dead man's switch by which if he was sent to prison, was murdered or even "committed suicide", incriminating evidence of his client's perversions and crimes would be immediately and irrevocably released world-wide? He had ample motive, means and opportunity to create such a life insurance policy. One would have to be credulous indeed to think that he did not. The chances of Epstein not having set up such a life insurance policy are as likely as him going  skydiving without a parachute. And doing it for decades, and "somehow", staying alive. He did set up such a life insurance policy so his clients could not kill him or let him get the prison sentence he so clearly deserved. Epstein is not in prison, there will be no trial, his accomplices and clients are still free and not being investigated. The blackmail material has not been released. These are facts. What more proof do you need?

Epstein knew that his clients could and would have him killed without hesitation if they considered him a threat. He also knew that anyone who could have had him murdered in a maximum security federal prison, who could have induced "sleep" in both of the prison guards that were supposed to specifically be watching Epstein, who could have moved assassins past every single guard between  the front gate of the prison and Epstein's cell, (and then back out) and caused "malfunctions" in all the security cameras in between, could also have facilitated the faking of his death and his escape.
Which would actually be much, much safer and easier, with far fewer loose ends.

Think about the actual logistics of murdering Epstein in prison compared to simply saying he was dead and rolling him right out the front door - it would be much easier, cheaper and safer to bribe a few guards, bring in fake EMT's, and have Epstein rolled out on a gurney with his eyes closed than to infiltrate at least two assassins who would then need to murder Epstein in his cell, and then escape themselves. His clients in both parties of government and in the Deep State could certainly have done either, but the only thing they could not do was be sure that the dead man switch would not be activated if he did not escape. The only way he could be safe, and have been safe for decades was if he had such a switch in place. And the only way his powerful clients could protect themselves was to protect Epstein.

Again, it is beyond obvious and and beyond reasonable dispute that such kompromat files and the means to release them existed and were in place and ready to be released if Epstein was sentenced to prison, murdered or "committed suicide". The fact that these files have not been released is, to any reasonable person at least, ample proof that Epstein has followed his guards' exhortations to "Breathe, Epstein, breathe!" And he continues to do so...

"I may be a pimp and a pervert, but I do know how to protect my own ass!"

                                                        HOW DISINFO WORKS

The classic list of logical fallacies, are also a basic primer on disinfo techniques. Many of these techniques are at play in the Epstein case, and it pains me greatly to see their apparent effectiveness on such respected and exemplary alternative news sites as the ones I mentioned at the beginning of this article. For them to give credence to FOX or Michael Baden is a disservice to their readers and viewers, as well as to themselves. Since when was FOX "news" any more credible than CNN or MSNBC? Or ABC?!  Did I miss something? Last time I checked, they were all professional propaganda outlets of which it can be truly said, "If their lips are moving, they are lying."

The same can be said of Baden, whose first and biggest claim to fame was to serve on the forensics panel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970's, a cover up of a coverup, and itself a classic example of disinfo. Baden himself confirmed the "magic bullet" theory, and his lips were moving as he did. So when an alternative news journalist I respect says Baden is "absolutely top in his field", well, if he means the field of lying, then he is correct. If he means the field of forensic pathology, it pains me deeply that someone who has been right on so many issues can be so wrong on this one. Baden was hired by Epstein's brother Mark, (and paid how much?) to be trotted out on FOX News exactly to create the false dichotomy of "suicide or murder", because everyone who advocates either theory absolutely misses the truth, and even becomes invested in whichever false theory they believe. They take for granted that Epstein is actually dead. That is the exact purpose of disinformation - to get people to believe a lie so deeply that they no longer even consider alternative theories. "Is the moon made of cheese or is it just a big round Ritz cracker?" Neither.

Check out this screenshot from another appearance of Baden on FOX. Note the title of the graphic, and note it is a drawing, a fake depiction of what a prison cell bed looks like. Prison cells are designed specifically to make it literally impossible to hang yourself. Real prison cells look like this. And BTW, did you notice there hasn't been a single photo released of anything even being purported to be Epstein's actual cell?

Was it suicide or murder? Neither. But we can argue about it endlessly, and thrill and pontificate at the bullshit "revelations", theories and opinions that trickle out from time to time from the mouths of professional liars like FOX and Baden. And from Trump and Clinton and CNN and MSNBC and the fucking Daily Show, and etc and etc. Their job is not to inform, but to disinform. Was it suicide or murder? Neither. Epstein is alive and well at some secret luxury hideaway partying down with Kenneth Lay and a few dozen teenage sex slaves. And guess who's probably right there with them, mixing the martinis and applying the lotion...


Speaking of fake deaths, who really believes the latest claims of the death of the latest Emmanuel Goldstein bogeyman figure, "Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi"? Not the Russians. Not anyone with any sense.
When you say you kill one of the supposedly "most wanted" men in the world, with a $25 million reward for his capture or death, either you show convincing proof, or it's obviously bullshit. It's the latter in this case.  John Dillinger, Jacques MesrineChe Guevara, Joe Hill, both of Saddam Hussain's sons, they all had photos taken after their deaths and published. In fact, how many "most wanted" outlaws can you think of who were "killed" and their photos weren't released? I can think of two. In the case of Osama bin Laden, we got nothing but assurances, in the case of Baghdadi, we get a fake picture of a dog, "proving" he had been killed, for at least the 7th time.

"Thanks, but when do I get to track down Epstein?"

It is currently unclear who will collect the $25 million reward for Baghdadi's demise, but it is quite clear the US government could have saved that money if they had just kept him in prison when they had him there in 2004. Or was it 2005 to 2009?  Either way, one thing's for sure - they let him go.

The crimes of ISIS, especially in Syria in the last 10 years, are horrific beyond the imagination or comprehension of normal human beings, but they have been published and well documented by both the perpetrators and their victims. Mind-boggling evil, in its basest forms - horrendous torture, mass murder on an industrial scale, slavery, sex slavery, every kind of terrorism. A death cult that worships death and suffering, causes it, promotes it, glorifies it and spreads it throughout the world. And the exact same ones who created ISIS also created Epstein.

There are a number of remarkable and interesting similarities between Al-Baghdadi and Epstein - Both rose from obscurity to positions of great power and influence with the help of the Deep State.
Both were "worth" multi millions of dollars. Both had been arrested and released by US authorities. Both had connections to Mossad and US secret services. Both were serial rapists who kept sex slaves.
Both allegedly "died" under mysterious circumstances with huge media coverage but little or no real evidence about what really happened. Am I saying Epstein is Baghdadi? No. But they were both the worst kind of scum, and they were created by and worked for the same people. 

 Did Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered, or is he still alive? Was Baghdadi killed this year or last year or years before that, or is he still alive? Does it really matter? Is Baghdadi dead? I don't know, maybe. Is Epstein dead? I doubt it. But it doesn't really matter much. ISIS will continue. The sex slavery ring Epstein was a part of will continue. The clients and providers have not been arrested or even questioned. They will continue. Whether Epstein or Baghdadi are still around or not, their creators, their masters, will continue. So, what's the point of all this?


There is a genuine war on reality, on the ability of human beings to think critically, to be able to access any information that hasn't already been adjusted and filtered, a direct attack on our ability to be able to discern truth from absolute bullshit. It is going on right now - Google search results are changing, and with them the worldviews and opinions of billions of people. They are being trained and programmed like Pavlov's dogs. History is being erased and rewritten, lies are being told about lies that are themselves based on lies, and this now passes for truth. Ultimate gaslighting on a global scale. Already for billions of people, what they see on a screen is their primary neural input. Deepfake videos, artificial intelligence, information algorithms that will soon be able to know what you're going to think before you think it. Enjoy reality while you still can, while you can still know what it tastes like, even if it is bittersweet or even just bitter. Soon it may be gone, and with it our last shreds of History and Humanity. Everything, our last hope. Because who cannot see reality can't do anything to change it.

When you are lost in a hall of mirrors, when every single thing you see is somehow an illusion, a deception, a reflection of a lie about a lie, when the only light you have is gaslight, then the only way left to truly see is to close your eyes and look for the truth within. I don't mean ignore the illusions, I mean overcome them, overcome the deception and distraction and confusion by simply allowing yourself to see what has always been there, right before your own eyes. Sounds like some guru mumbo-jumbo, right? Right. But if you stop and reflect for just a second, right now, don't you hear a quiet voice inside your head saying "Maybe he's right." Listen!

All is not yet lost. Not yet. We humans have a secret weapon that can cut through mountains of bullshit like an atomic laser. It can see the slightest glimmer of truth behind a billion rushing images, all of which are lies, it can hear the soft but incredibly powerful truth as if from the whisper of a Guardian Angel, even among the dissonant cacophony of a billion decibel symphony of intentional lies. This weapon is there inside of each of us, available to each of us if we are willing to use it, if we have the courage. That weapon is intuition. It's real, and it works. I know. It has saved my life more than once.

According to the Meyers-Briggs personality test, based on the theories of Carl Jung, I'm an INFJ.
It is the rarest of the 16 personality types, "Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging", making up less than 1% of the human population. INFJ's have been called "Counselors", "Protectors", "Advocates", and are known for intuition, our ability to see the truth. And to speak it. The word "intuition" means "direct perception of truth independent of any reasoning process, immediate apprehension, keen and quick insight".  It has also been said of INFJ's "they are usually right and they usually know it."  Well, I usually agree with that.

Intuition is a rare ability, but we all have it, and we can all cultivate and develop it. People just need to learn how to use it. It starts with belief in yourself and your own perceptions, trust in yourself and your own ability to discern what is true, even in spite of the evidence. I know how to use it, I can teach you. Listen. I'm not telling you to listen to me, I'm telling you to listen to yourself. 


When I was 13 years old, in the summer of 1973 in Houston, Texas, I had a hobby of hitchhiking around the northwest part of the city, with no destination in mind, just to see who I would meet. My main goal was to meet some cool hippies who might have a joint and get me high. Or just go for a cruise. I did a lot of hitchhiking that summer and got high more than a few times that way. I was a young dumb kid looking for a party or a new adventure. Looking for trouble. One day, a couple of young guys picked me up in an old Chevy Nova. One had long hair, the other, kind of a cowboy look. Both in their late teens. There was a big toolbox in the backseat, so I had to sit between them on the bench style front seat. We started talking, I asked if they had any weed. They said no, but they had a friend who did, and asked if I'd like to go to a party with them.  They were cool looking, young and friendly, and invited me to a party. I was a dumb 13 year old punk. In any other situation, I would have said "Sure!" All the evidence pointed towards a good time. But intuition spoke against it, and I listened.

I told them no, I couldn't go to the party, and then they became somewhat insistent, assuring me it wasn't far, it would be fun and they would give me a ride home later. They weren't forceful or demanding, just... insistent. I too became insistent. Me being a little kid stuck between two young men almost 20 years old, they simply said, "No, come on, we're going, we'll bring you back later."  And they started driving to "the party".  At this point, my intuition started screaming inside my head. I could have just stayed calm and gone along, see how it all played out, but I didn't. I had a Buck 110 folding hunter knife in my pocket, and I went ahead and pulled it out, flicked it open with one hand (a skill I had practiced diligently and often since I had gotten the knife the Christmas before) and poking it firmly but gently into the driver's ribs, told him I'd be getting out at the next corner. And so I did. If I hadn't had the blade, I would have almost certainly had to go to "the party". It was intuition that whispered to pull the blade, I heard the whisper and I did. It saved my life.  Later, I didn't even think much about it, just a couple of assholes that for some reason I didn't much like. Intuition. I hitchhiked home from where they dropped me off.
Intuition spoke, and sharp steel backed it up. I lived.
Get the point?

Just a few weeks later, in mid-August 1973, a huge story broke in the local news about what was then the worst serial murder case in US history. Dean Corll had raped, tortured and murdered at least 28 boys and young men in Houston between 1970 and August 1973, seven of them in June and July of 1973.  He had two "bird dogs" who brought him his victims and also participated in the torture and murders. Both in their late teens, one with long hair, the other with a kind of cowboy look. I recognized their fucking pictures. David Brooks and Elmer Wayne Henly.  (You can learn more about them here, if you have the stomach for it.)  I sat there over breakfast, reading newspaper reports about guys my age getting dug up, after they'd been raped and tortured to death, with their dick and balls buried in a ziplok bag beside them, and I understood that it was only intuition that saved me, seeing truth in spite of evidence. I met these two satanic mass murdering motherfuckers, alone, when I was 13 years old. And I lived. Because intuition spoke, and I listened, and acted accordingly. If I had not, I would not be writing this today. I would have died a long time ago. And these two shitbags would have watched me die...
Henley and Brooks digging up 27 bodies with police Aug. 1973

And now here's a test for your intuition, your "ability to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning" - Do you really think that all Epstein and his clients did was "have sex" with those children? The ones who testified (at least 80) are the ones who lived. How many others do you think there were who didn't?  Epstein is Dean Corll with $500 million, carte blanche, a get out of jail free card and bird dogs all over the world. With private jets and a private island. And a grisly gang of fellow degenerates with the same appetites. And the same almost unlimited power to feed them. That's the kind of scum that rule our world today, who get away with crimes beyond imagination scot-free, and sit on secret islands and laugh about it, right now, today.  They know they can confuse the public, who are in fact their victims, with "the facts".

If you really want to know the truth, you can read the account of the what happened at Corll's house on the night of August 8th, 1973. I wasn't there but a friend of mine was. Rhonda Williams was a girl  I had met the year before. I had known her pretty well - she wasn't my girlfriend, but I had kissed her a few times. On August 8th, 1973, she found herself a guest at one of Dean Corrll's parties. The words that saved her, the words that brought about the death of one of the most horrible monsters in US history, are as follows -

While Corll  was chaining up the boy Rhonda had come with, Henley was chaining her to the board and began to remove her clothes, she asked him, "Is this for real?" When Henley said "Yes", she asked, "Are you going to do anything about it?" He did. So, how about you?

Ask yourself the same questions. Let your intuition answer.