
Wednesday, February 14, 2018


«Вы видите, как храбро они сражаются за Сирию. Представьте, как ожесточенно они будут биться за Россию.»
                                      -  Башар аль-Асад после смерти Романа Филипова

Офицеры и солдаты Украины! Мы прочли ваши секретные документы. Они были опубликованы, и мы знаем, что ваши инструкторы скоро отдадут вам приказ на самоубийственную миссию на Донбассе. Разве вам не известно, что многие в вашей армии, от Генерального штаба до солдат в окопах на фронте, уже на нашей стороне? Они – настоящие патриоты Украины, такие же, как мы, той же крови Киевской Руси, чьё братство существует уже более тысячи лет. Как братья и патриоты, как воины, мы советуем вам не вторгаться на Донбасс, исполняя приказы западных инструкторов и их марионеток-олигархов. Они отправляют вас на смерть. Смерть же без причины или цели, без чести и славы - обреченное, основанное на лжи дело, из которого нет возврата.

Если вы придёте сюда, чтобы атаковать наши семьи и дома, мы будем сражаться с вами и победим! Вы же погибнете здесь. Ваши кровь и плоть удобрят нашу землю точно так, как тела немецких нацистов всего лишь один жизненный цикл тому. Человеческая жизнь составляет 70 -80 лет. Подумайте о вашем жизненном цикле. Если придете на Донбасс захватчиками, 2018 год станет годом гибели для вас. 2018 – эту дату высекут на вашей могильной плите, если она будет. Вы забыли котлы под Дебальцево и Иловайском? Думаете, что на этот раз будет иначе? Будет ещё хуже.

Американский нацист Марк Паславский, «Франко», по дороге на войну в Донбассе, август 2014 г.

Видите, где он сейчас? Не идите воевать на Донбасс, если не хотите присоединиться к нему...

Разве вы не понимаете, что стало с украинской нацией, с украинским народом? Всего за тысячу дней западные хозяева, их марионетки-олигархи и ярые нацисты погрузили Украину в нищету, страдания и безобразие. Они обманули вас. Украина никогда не будет частью Европейского союза. Европейцы смеются над вами, потому что они продают вам отбросы по завышенной цене и делают из ваших детей рабов и проституток. За тысячу дней они почти разрушили братство, которое сохранялось свыше тысячи лет. Но теперь настаёт решающий момент. И на это способны настоящие солдаты-патриоты Украины – подняться и защитить свой народ, свою честь от иностранных проституток-инструкторов, хозяев рабов и предателей-коллаборационистов, которые взяли под контроль некогда гордый и красивый народ.

                                   США/НАТО/МВФ приносят «свободу и демократию» в Украину

Мы понимаем, что вы не можете не видеть, как видим мы и весь мир, что Украина -более не суверенная страна, что она контролируется иностранными хозяевами и их марионеточными олигархами, которых совершенно не заботит будущее Украины, им плевать на людей, плевать на солдат. Посмотрите, во что превратилась ваша страна! Почва, с\х культуры, продукты питания отравлены ГМО, технология добычи сланцевого газа отравила воду. Экономика разрушена, урезаны зарплаты и пенсии, а также в 2-3 раза повышены цены на жизненно необходимые предметы. Я вру? Это «российская пропаганда»? Нет, вы знаете, что это правда. Вы видите её своими глазами. Вашу медицинскую систему уничтожают. Только олигархи могут позволить себе лекарства и медицинский уход, но не ваши дети или родители. Эта ситуация привела к тому, что миллионы украинцев уехали в поисках лучшей жизни за границу. Но кем они становятся? Собирателями ягод или уборщиками туалетов в Польше, проститутками в Амстердаме, преступниками и убийцами в Лондоне и Брюсселе. Это то будущее для ваших детей и вашего народа, за которое вы идёте воевать и умирать?

                                                                 Они смеются над вами.

Оглянитесь вокруг, посмотрите, чем стала украинская армия. И вспомните, какой она когда-то была. Что сказал бы Илья Муромец, если бы увидел украинских солдат, поднимающих оружие против своей родни, своих братьев, против женщин и детей? На каждого укропа-нациста, чей дед-предатель присоединился к немецким оккупантам, есть много украинских солдат, чьи деды сражались и победили нацистских убийц, и гнали их до самого Берлина. Разве нет легендарно-исторического Флага Победы, который был водружен над рейхстагом, на котором увековечено название прославленной 3-й Украинской армии? Разве не было украинских солдат на передовой, участвующих в разгроме немецких нацистов, спасающих мир от фашизма? А что сказали бы героические деды сегодня, увидев мразей "Азова" с фотографиями Адольфа Гитлера и татуировками свастики? О чем вы думаете при виде этих подонков, почему молчите и ничего не говорите об этом?

                                                     Это то, за что вы будете воевать и умирать?

Ваша армия, как и народ, порабощены фашистами Запада, главным образом США и Канады. Все их обещания – это враньё. Они находятся в Украине, только чтобы убивать, грабить и разрушать. Они вас используют, как туалетную бумагу, и утилизируют. Вы думаете, что ваших западных «инструкторов» волнует, сколько вас погибнет при атаке Донбасса? Вы думаете, они будут стоять рядом с вами, когда придет приказ атаковать? Нет, в то время, когда вы будете лежать, умирая, в замерзающей грязи, они будут в Киеве и Львове сидеть в барах и ресторанах, соблазняя ваших жён и дочерей. А, возможно, и ваших сыновей…

              Они будут тренировать вашу украинскую армию, чтобы она была похожа на их армии…

Вы думаете, они не знают, что, если вы атакуете Донбасс, то действительно зайдёт российская армия в Украину и сотрёт вас с лица земли. Разве вам не понятно, что они знают о вашей самоубийственной миссии, что вы не вернётесь, и всё равно посылают. Они будут далеко за вашими спинами. И вы погибнете в бою, а это не может быть победой. И, так как вы будете воевать и погибнете в бою, то это не может быть победой. Так задумано, что вы погибнете. Они же будут "утешать" ваших жён, детей, поднимать свои бокалы, произнося "Героям слава!" Вы будете лежать, умирая, а они будут тихо про себя смеяться над вами.

А знаете, что за вашими спинами, ближе к вам, будут нацистские "добробаты"? Те, которые должны будут идти за вами, насиловать и убивать, издеваться и терроризировать гражданское население после того, как вы должны будете выполнить грубую кровопролитную работу в попытке прорвать наши позиции на линии фронта. Но их первое задание - быть «заградотрядами», которые идут за солдатами украинской армии и стреляют в спину, если вы сомневаетесь или не продвигаетесь вперёд так быстро, насколько они хотят от вас. Вы думаете, есть другая причина, почему этих нацистов отсылают с передовой на вторую линию? Ваши иностранные хозяева и их олигархи-марионетки решили, что работа нацистов – убивать. А ваша работа – умирать. Что и случится, если вы атакуете нас. Мы будем сражаться с вами на фронте, никогда не сдадимся и никуда не отступим, потому что защищаем свои дома и семьи. Ваши нацисты-«товарищи» и иностранные «инструкторы» будут стрелять вам в спину при первом признаке колебания. И вы же знаете, что в таком случае российская армия будет наступать. А когда это произойдёт, то котлы в Дебальцево и Иловайске будут похожи на пикник. Те, кто будут отдавать приказ атаковать нас, иностранные эксплуататоры, олигархи-предатели и ярые нацисты, будут требовать полного уничтожения украинской армии. За несколько дней или часов украинская армия, как и вы лично, перестанет существовать. Навсегда.

А что останется после вас? Стёртых с лица земли по приказу иностранных хозяев и продажных олигархов, которые послали вас на неминуемую смерть, особо не задумываясь. Они хотят, чтобы вы умерли, чтобы они могли показать то, что останется от ваших тел, как доказательство «российской агрессии». Если вы подчинитесь их приказам, то предадите себя, свои семьи и будущее Украины. А если вы всё равно так поступите, то лучшим из того, что заслужите и на что можете надеяться, будет быстрая смерть.

    Это было быстро. Это лучшее, на что вы можете надеяться, если пойдете атакой на Донбасс.

Но так не должно быть. Ещё не слишком поздно. Есть много благородных солдат в украинской армии, больше, чем вы думаете. Должно быть, поэтому, ваши хозяева используют нацистские батальоны как заградотряды. Оглянитесь вокруг, посмотрите в глаза вашим товарищам, вашим братьям-ратникам. Ваши родители, деды и бабушки растили вас, чтобы вы подчинялись приказам иностранцев? Чтобы вы вели войну против своего же собственного народа? Вы готовы выполнять приказы продажных олигархов и нацистов, стреляющих вам в спину, если их ослушаетесь? Вас будут тренировать умирать иностранные «инструкторы», которые сами будут далеко от боя, которые будут приказывать вам идти в бой? Или вы всё-таки выступите против всего того, что пошло не так в Украине? Против гражданской войны, начатой иностранными ворами и убийцами, которая натравливает брата на брата и приводит к тому, что украинская армия совершает военные преступления против женщин и детей каждый день. Выбор за вами, но время пришло.

                                     Помните вашу историю. Подумайте о своём будущем.

Люди Донбасса и армия Новороссии вам не враги. Ваши враги – зарубежные аферисты, которые приходят, чтобы разорить и поработить ваши семьи и ваш народ. Ваши враги – нацбаты, которые только убивают и насилуют мирное население, и они же будут обращены против вас, нападать будут из-за спины. Ваши враги – олигархи-предатели, которые продают вашу страну, жиреют и обогащаются, продолжая неоправданные смерть и разрушения, и будут продолжать до тех пор, пока уже ничего не останется от Украины. А затем заберут свои миллиарды и уедут в Лондон, Канаду или США. То, что останется от Украины, будет мало чем отличаться от Ирака, Ливии или Афганистана. Американцы, которые владеют вашим правительством, присылают своих солдат, чтобы тренировать вас как умирать. И, рассказывая вам о "свободе и демократии", в действительности же говорят о бедности и терроре, бесконечной войне, о разрухе и смерти.

Посмотрите! Взгляните своими глазами на все места, которые США держали под контролем последние 20 лет. Разве результаты не одни и те же?! Неужели вы думаете, что для Украины у них какие-то другие планы? Неужели вы думаете, что США не контролируют Украину полностью? Вы умрёте для того, чтобы сделать Украину Ливией, Сомали или Афганистаном? Разве вы не знаете, что эти олигархи-марионетки, которые сейчас составляют правительство Украины, выполняют каждый приказ своих хозяев из Соединённых Штатов и МВФ? Разве вы не знаете, что нацистские батальоны уже сейчас выстроены в линию, чтобы стрелять вам в спину, если вы откажетесь умирать, как скот, ради своих иностранных хозяев?

                                      Флаги США в коридорах СБУ в Киеве. Кто хозяин, а кто раб?

Поймите, кто ваши настоящие враги, заклятые враги, которые убьют вас, будут стрелять в спину и посылать на верную смерть, полностью истребят украинскую армию и украинскую нацию. Ты – солдат, это твои смертельные враги, настоящие враги ваших семей, будущего вашего и вашего народа. Боритесь с вашими врагами сейчас, до того, как станет слишком поздно.

Если вы пойдёте атакой на Донбасс, будьте уверены, что вас уничтожат. Это так же неоспоримо, как и уничтожение немецких нацистов под Сталинградом. Так же неоспоримо, как и уничтожение украинской армии в Дебальцево и Иловайске. Даже не сомневайтесь. Мы будем стоять на смерть. Мы не сдадимся, не отступим. И в этой битве мы не будем одни. Наши братья придут нам на помощь, без всяких вопросов и сомнений. Вы это знаете, мы это знаем, ваши хозяева это знают. Наши братья сами об этом нам сказали, что они не допустят геноцида на Донбассе. Они не шутят. У вас нет шансов против нас. Нет шансов. Если вы придёте воевать, вы умрёте. Вы все. А Украина превратится в «болото» без будущего и с постыдным прошлым, нацией, которая разрушила саму себя.

Сделайте правильный выбор до того, как будет слишком поздно. Вставайте сейчас против ваших настоящих врагов, ради своей жизни, ради своих семей, за свою честь, ради будущего Украины. Не подчиняйтесь приказам иностранных хозяев, не позволяйте зажравшимся олигархам обогащаться на вашем страдании и крови. Не позволяйте нацистам стрелять вам в спину. Возвращайтесь в вашу семью, Киевскую Русь, к вашим братьям и сёстрам, чьи судьбы были переплетены с вашими тысячу лет. Вместе – мы сила. Никто не сможет нас победить, когда мы вместе. И только сообща мы сможем позаботиться о лучшем будущем для себя, для наших семей, для наших братских народов, для всего мира. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Open Letter to the Officers and Soldiers of the Ukrainian Army

                         " You see how hard they fight for Syria. Imagine how hard they will fight for Russia."
                                                     -  Bashar al Assad on the death of Roman Filipov

Officers and soldiers of Ukraine - We have read your secret papers. They have been published, and 
we know your masters will soon order you on a suicide mission to Donbass. Do you not know that many of the soldiers in your army are already on our side, from the General Staff to the soldiers in the trenches at the Front? They are the true patriots of Ukraine, as we are, of the same blood of the Kievian Rus, whose brotherhood goes back together for more than 1,000 years. As brothers, as patriots, as ratniks, we advise you, we warn you, do not invade Donbass on the orders of Western master and their oligarch puppets. They send you to your death. A death without reason or purpose, a death without honor or glory, a fool's errand based on lies, from which you will not return.

If you come here to attack our families and homes, we will fight you, and we will win. You will die here, your blood and bones will fertilize our fields, just as the blood and bones of the German nazis did only a lifetime ago. A human life can be seventy to eighty years. Think about your own lifetime. If you come to Donbass as aggressors, 2018 will be the year you die, 2018 is the number that will be carved on your gravestone, if you get one. Have you forgotten the cauldrons of Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk? Do you think it will be different this time? It will only be worse. And this time, the cauldron waits for you. This time, if you come, it will be you who die here. Do not attack us, and you will not die here.

                     American nazi Mark Paslawsky, “Franko”, on his way to fight in Donbass, August, 2014

                            See where he is now. Don't come to fight in Donbass if you don't want to join him...

Can you not see what has become of the Ukrainian nation and the Ukrainian people? In only 1,000 days, western masters, their oligarch puppets and rabid nazis have covered Ukraine in poverty and misery and shame. They have tricked you with lies. Ukraine will never be a part of the European Union. The Europeans laugh at you as they sell you overpriced garbage and make slaves and whores of your children. In 1,000 days they have almost destroyed a brotherhood that has lasted over 1,000 years. And now comes the moment of truth. And it is up to the true patriot soldiers of Ukraine to stand up and defend their nation and their honor from the foreign whore masters and slave masters and their traitorous collaborators, who have taken control of a once proud and beautiful nation.

                                             USA/NATO/IMF bring "Freedom and Democracy" to Ukraine.

We know that you cannot help but see, as we do, as the world does, that Ukraine is no longer a sovereign nation, that it is controlled by foreign masters and their oligarch puppets, who care nothing for the future of Ukraine, nothing for the people, and nothing for the soldiers who defend it. Take a look at what your country has become. The food and the soil, poisoned by GMO crops, the water poisoned by fracking. The economy in ruins, with wages and pensions slashed, as prices for every necessity of life are being doubled or tripled or more. Am I lying, is this "Russian propaganda"? No, you know it is the truth, you see it with your own eyes. Your medical system is being dismantled, only oligarchs can afford medicine and care, but not your children or parents. This situation has led millions of Ukrainians to leave, to search for a better life abroad, but what do they become? Berry-pickers or toilet cleaners in Poland, prostitutes in Amsterdam, criminals and hitmen in London and Brussels. Is this the future for your children and your nation that you are willing to fight and die for?
                                                                         They are laughing at you.

Look around yourself, see what the Ukrainian Army has become. And think of what it once was. What would Ilya Muromets say if he saw Ukrainian soldiers taking up arms against their kin, their brothers, against women and children?  For every ukrop nazi whose traitor grandfather joined the German invaders, there are scores of Ukrainian soldiers whose grandfathers fought and defeated the nazi murderers and took the war all the way to Berlin. Is not the legendary and historic Victory Flag which was raised over the Reichstag inscribed with the name of the glorious 3rd Ukrainian Army? Were not Ukrainian soldiers at the forefront in the defeat of German nazis and saving the world from fascism? And what would those heroic grandfathers say today, if they saw Azov scum with pictures of Adolph Hitler and swastika tattoos? What do you think when you see this trash, and why do you not say it?

                                                                 Is this what you will fight and die for?

Your army, like your nation, has been enslaved by western fascists, mainly the USA and Canada. All their promises are lies, they are in Ukraine only to kill and steal and destroy. They will use you and dispose of you like toilet paper. Do you think your western "trainers" care how many of you will die if you attack Donbass? Do you think they will be standing alongside you when the order to attack comes? No, while you lay dying in the frozen mud, they will be in Kiev and Lviv, sitting in bars and restaurants, trying to seduce your wives and daughters. Or perhaps your sons...

                                                    They will train your Ukrainian Army to be like theirs...

Do you think they do not know that if you attack Donbass that the Russian Army will come into Ukraine and wipe you out? Don't you know that they know they are sending you on a suicide mission, and you won't be coming back? They will be far, far behind you, and as you fight and die in a battle that cannot be won, that is in fact designed to fail, they will be ready to "comfort" your wives and children and raise their drinks and say "Slava Geroyim" as you lay dying. And they will laugh to themselves as they do so.

And you know who else will be behind you, but not quite so far? The nazi "volunteer" battalions. The ones whose job is supposed to be to come behind you, to rape and murder and torture and terrorize the civilians after you have done the hard and deadly work of attempting to break through our front line positions. But their first job will be as "blocking troops" who will follow behind the real soldiers of the Ukrainian Army and shoot you in the back if you hesitate or don't advance as fast as the nazis behind you think you should. Why else do you think the nazis are being sent from the Front to second line positions? The soldiers of the Ukrainian Army would not shoot their fellow soldiers in the back. But the nazi battalions would, and will. Your foreign masters and their oligarch puppet have decided it is the nazis' job to kill. It is your job to die. Which you will, if you attack us. We will fight you from the front, and we will never surrender or retreat because we defend our homes and families. Your nazi "comrades" and foreign "trainers" will be shooting you in the back at the first sign of hesitation. And you do know the Russian Amy will be coming, and when they do, it will make the cauldrons of Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk look like a picnic. Those who will order you to attack us, foreign exploiters, oligarch traitors and rabid nazis, will be ordering the annihilation of the Ukrainian Army. In a few short hours or days, the Ukrainian Army, and you personally, will cease exist. Forever.

And what will be your legacy? Wiped out on the orders of foreign masters and corrupt oligarchs who sent you to certain death without a second thought. They want you to die, so they can show what's left of your bodies as evidence of "Russian aggression". It is a political game, and you are the sacrificial pawns. They care nothing about you, or your families, or your country. If you follow their orders, you betray yourself, your families and the future of Ukraine. And if you do so, you will deserve everything you get. And the best you can hope for will be a quick death.

                                       It was quick. This is the best you can hope for if you attack Donbass.

But it doesn't have to be this way. It is not yet too late. There are many honorable soldiers in the Ukrainian Army, more than you think. Which is why your masters must use the nazi battalions as blocking troops. Take a look around yourself, look into the eyes of your comrades, your Ratnik brothers. Did your parents and grandparents raise you to take orders from foreigners to wage war against your own people? Will you be willing to take orders from corrupt oligarchs and nazis who will shoot you in the back if you fail to obey? Will you be trained to die by foreign "instructors" who will be nowhere near the battle that they will order you into? Or will you take a stand against everything that has gone wrong in Ukraine, against a civil war started by foreign thieves and murderers that pits brother against brother and has the Ukraine Army committing war crimes against women and children every day? The choice is yours, but the time has come.
                                                          Remember your history. Think about your future.

The people of Donbass and the Novorussian Army are not your enemies. Your enemies are the foreign tricksters who come to impoverish and enslave your families and your nation. Your enemies are the nazi "battalions" who know only how to rape and murder, who will be turned against you too, to attack you from behind. Your enemies are the traitor oligarchs who sell your country and become fat and rich by continuing needless death and destruction, and who will continue until there is nothing left of Ukraine. Then they will take their billions and leave, for London, or Canada, or the USA. And what is left of Ukraine will resemble Iraq or Libya or Afghanistan. The Americans who own your government send their soldiers here to train you how to die, and when they tell you about "freedom and democracy" what they are really talking about is poverty and terror, endless war and destruction and death.

Look! Look with your own eyes at every single place the USA has taken control of in the last 20 years. In every single one, are the results not the same? Do you think their plans for Ukraine are any different?  Do you think the USA does not control Ukraine completely? Will you die, just to make Ukraine like Libya or Somalia or Afghanistan? Do you not know that the oligarch puppets who now make up the government of Ukraine follow every order of their US and IMF masters? Do you not know that the nazi battalions are even now lining up to shoot you in the back if you refuse to die like cattle for foreign masters?

                        Flags of the USA in the halls of the SBU in Kiev. Who is the master, who is the slave?

See who your real enemies are, deadly enemies that will kill you, shoot you in the back and send you to certain death, destroy completely the Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian nation. You are a soldier, these are your deadly enemies, the real enemies of your families, of your future and of your nation. Deal with your enemies now, before it is too late.

If you attack Donbass, your destruction is assured. As certain as the destruction of the German nazis at Stalingrad, as certain  as the destruction of the Ukrainian Army at Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk. Have no doubt. We will fight you to the death, we will not surrender or retreat. And we will not be fighting you alone. Our brothers will come to our aid, without question. You know this, we know this, your masters know this. Our brothers have said so themselves, that they will not allow genocide in Donbass. They mean it. Against us, you have no chance. No chance. If you come to fight, you will die. All of you. And Ukraine will become a wasteland with no future and a shameful past, a nation that destroyed itself.

Make the right choice, before it is too late. Stand up now against your true enemies, for your life, for your families, for your honor, for the future of Ukraine. Do not obey orders from foreign masters, do not allow fat oligarchs to enrich themselves by your suffering and blood. Do not allow nazis to shoot you in the back.  Return to your family, the Kievian Rus, to your brothers and sisters whose fates have been intertwined with yours for 1,000 years. Together, we are strong, together, no one can defeat us. Together, we will make a better future, for ourselves, for our families, for our fraternal nations, and for the world.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Implications of the Military Capabilities of Ukraine and Novorussia

Since the major offensives by the Ukrainian Army (UA) in the Summer of 2014 and the Spring of 2015, every few months rumors and even official announcements about impending attacks have circulated. In the Spring of 2018, there are again expectations and preparations for "The Big One", a full military assault by the UA against the Novorussian Armed Forces (NAF) defending the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

Recent developments in Ukraine and abroad, such as the open delivery of weapons by the USA and Canada to Ukraine, the "Re-intigration Law" and political unrest in Ukraine, the continuous and escalating provocations by the USA against Russia and the upcoming presidential elections and FIFA football championships in Russia make the timing seem ripe for a major military offensive against the Republics by the UA. All of this makes the recent predictions of imminent war all the more credible. Most people whom I have spoken with on the Front, both civilians and soldiers, expect that this time the attack will be for real. The boy in the legend falsely cried "Wolf!" many times, but eventually, the wolf did come. And many people here who are qualified to have an opinion say this time the wolf is coming.

 This article will compare the manpower and military arsenals of the Ukrainian Army and the Novorussian Armed Forces, the disparity between them, and the implications of these facts.  The following estimates are based on multiple sources from Ukraine, Russia, the USA, NATO and Europe. Some estimates varied widely between sources but all sources are from 2017 and represent the latest publicly available information. Whatever discrepancies there may be between the estimates and the actual arsenals, manpower and military capabilities of the UA and NAF, it is quite clear the UA enjoys significant advantages over the NAF in every field measured.
We will investigate these advantages in detail, then explore the implications.

Ukraine has a landmass of  603,000 square kilometers and a population of  36 million people. (Not counting Crimea and Donbass Republics.) The Donbass Republics have a combined landmass of 30,000 square kilometers and a population of about 6 million people. The "contact line" between the UA and NAF runs 300 Km, from Mariupol to northeast of Lugansk city.  The UA military budget is between $5 and $6 Billion USD per year, (6% GDP) supplemented with military aid from the USA ($350 million/year).


The UA is the 23rd largest army in the world in terms of manpower. It has 260,000 active military personnel and 80,000 reserves, making it bigger than the armies of France, the UK or Israel.

The NAF has 35,000 soldiers on active duty and another 30,000 in the reserves. This gives the UA a 7 to 1 advantage in active duty soldiers and a 5 to 1 advantage in total active and reserve soldiers. The UA has 100,000 soldiers on the contact line, facing 25,000 soldiers of the NAF, for a 4 to 1 advantage.

Standard military doctrine dictates an assault force should have a 3:1 advantage to successfully defeat dug in defenders, but according to a 1986 survey of 600 land battles from 1600 to 1973 by the US Army Concepts Analysis Agency,  at a 1:1 ratio, attackers won close to 50% of the time, and when the odds were greater than 3:1, attackers won 76% of the time.  

The UA holds an advantage in manpower over the NAF "greater than 3 to 1", between 4 to 1 and 7 to 1.


Ukraine began 2014 with 83 T-64BM and 700 T-64BV operational MBT's. But since the beginning of the Donbass War, at least 170 T-64 variants were destroyed, and at least 65 were captured by the NAF. This leaves the UA with 530 operational T-64's. The UA has 72 operational T-72 MBT's.  187 T-80's have allegedly been brought out of storage, overhauled and put back into service with airmobile brigades.  The UA may also have up to 16 T-84 MBT's, six being restored and ten added to the 2018 defense budget. This gives the UA a minimum of  602 MBT's and a possible maximum of 785.

According to the Kiev Post, quoting UA military intelligence sources, as of March 2017, the NAF has 300 MBT's. Like the UA, these are mostly T-64 variants.

This gives the UA a minimum advantage of 2 to 1 in MBT's with a numerical superiority of 300 tanks.


The UA has about 6,000 IFV's and APC's, including 1,198 BMP-2's and 100 modernized BMP-1U's.
Other UA IFV's include 458 BRM-1K armored recon vehicles, 100 BMD-1 and -2's, as well as 1,000 BTR APC's of different variants, and 1,000 BRDM armored scout cars. The most common UA APC is the MT-LB, estimated at 2,300 units.  The UA also has 120 US Army armored Humvees and 20 British Army SAXON Armored Command Center vehicles. Canada has also donated 35 SHREK and SPARTAN APC's to the UA.

The NAF is estimated to have about 800 IFV's and APC's.

The UA has a greater than 6 to 1 advantage in IFV and APC's. With a numerical superiority of about 5,000 units.


The UA has 90 TOCHKA-U tactical ballistic missiles, and has used some of them against the Donbass Republics. The TOCHKA-U has a range of 120 Km and a payload of 1,000 pounds. The UA also has 80 SMERCH 300 mm Multiple Rocket Launchers, and 110 URAGAN 200 mm MRL's, and 450 GRAD 122 mm MRL's.

The NAF has 200 GRAD MRL's, and zero TOCHKA-U, zero  SMERCH,  and zero URAGANS.

The UA has a >3 to 1 advantage in Rocket Artillery, as well as advantages in range and payloads, with a numerical superiority of  >500 units.


The UA has 297 152mm self propelled howitzers, 247 122mm self propelled howitzers and 99 203mm self propelled guns.  They have 696 152mm towed guns and 443 122mm guns. This is a total of 1,782 artillery pieces of 122mm to 203mm caliber. The UA also has 575 towed anti-tank guns of 85mm to 125mm.

The NAF has about 630 artillery guns of various calibers and configurations.

The UA has a greater than 3 to 1 advantage in Heavy Artillery, with a numerical superiority of about 1,150 pieces.


The Ukrainian Air Force currently has a total of 238 operational aircraft, including 39 fighters and 66 ground attack fixed wing aircraft. They have 89 transport aircraft and and 87 helicopters, of which 34 are attack helicopters. the remaining 40 aircraft are trainers, which can also be used in attack and reconnaissance missions.

The UA has 275 SA-8 and SA-13 short range air defense missile systems. They have 70  SA-19 "Grison" air defense artillery guns, and 20 ZSU-23-4 anti-aircraft guns. They have over 1,000 ZSU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns, which are also deadly in a ground attack role. That is a total of 345 air defense missile systems, and over 1,000 ZSU-23 systems in 2 and 4 gun configurations.

The NAF has a small number of SA-8 and SA-13's, MANPADS, and about 400 ZSU's in different configurations, mostly ZSU-23-2's for ground attack missions.  The NAF has no air force.

The UA has a (minimum) 3 to 1 advantage in air defense artillery.


Manpower - 4 to 1, with 75,000 more men on the contact line, 210,000 more men in total.
Tanks -  more than 2 to 1, with minimum 300 more.
IFV/APC's - 6 to 1 with more than 4,000 more.
Rocket Artillery - 3 to 1, with more than 420 more.
Heavy Artillery - 3 to 1, with 1,150 more.
Missile Air Defense - 5 to 1, with 345 more.
ZSU-23 cannons - 2.5 to 1, with 620 more.

The UA has major advantages over the NAF in every field measured, of at least 100%, minimum 2 to 1, and as much as 6 to 1.

What can be surmised from the facts that the UA already has a decisive advantage over the NAF, and yet A) they fail to make their move, and B) they continue to receive arms and training from NATO and the West? Quite simply that the UA is not preparing to fight the NAF, they are being prepared to fight Russia.

Vladimir Putin has openly stated that Ukrainian genocide and ethnic cleansing against the people of Donbass "will not be allowed", which clearly means the Russian Army will intervene in the case of a large scale attack. In fact, they have no choice. The anti-Russian sentiment in Ukraine has reached a rabid intensity, and there truly would be genocide committed by Ukrainian nazis in Donbass if they were allowed to overrun the NAF defenses. The people and government of the Russian Federation will never stand by and watch the crimes of the German nazis repeated by Ukrainian Banderists against ethnic Russians in the 21st Century.  This is not only a moral and historical imperative, it is a matter of self defense.

There can be no doubt that the US government has absolute control over the Kiev regime. The US flags lining the corridors of the SBU in Kiev are a potent symbol of it. The futile response to Sakashvili's illegal re-entry to Ukraine, the appointment of US citizens to top posts in government and state industry, the total dependence of Kiev on Western "loans" which can and will never be paid back, (intending to keep Ukraine in perpetual debt slavery) are the proof of it, of the master and slave relationship between the USA and Kiev. Ukraine, the nation, the people, and especially the military, are being forced into a war they cannot win, as cannon fodder and sacrificial sheep, in order to turn their once proud and prosperous nation into a failed state on the Russian border.  A European Libya. This is what Nuland's oft-quoted "$5 billion" was invested for, as well as the IMF's $13 billion. To force Russia into a war on its own border. And to try to turn world opinion against Russia when it is forced to defend itself and its people.  

According to people here who are in a position to know, between now and the end of the FIFA soccer championships to be held in Russia in June and July of this year, Ukraine's western masters will order a full-scale attack on the Donbass Republics by the Ukrainian Army. It will be a blitzkreig along the entire Front, from Mariupol to Lugansk. The strategy will not to be to seal the borders as in 2014, but to first occupy the cities of Gorlovka, Donetsk and Lugansk themselves. These three major cities are all directly on the front lines, and a ukrop advance of a mere dozen kilometers will put them in the heart of all three cities. Enmeshed with civilians and critical infrastructure, the UA will consider themselves immune to Russian artillery and airstrikes.

But the Russian airstrikes and artillery will be coming, with pinpoint precision. And so will the Russian Army.  And not just into Donbass.  Perhaps a "rogue unit" of Pravy Sektor will send a couple of 122 mm mortars across the Russian border near Lugansk, or some Azov berzerker will do the same near Mariupol. Even if they don't, Russia will have more than enough justification for a full military intervention. "R2P" will be coming back to haunt the Neocon nazis, with "Shock and Awe" in full effect.  "WMD's"? WMD's  mean "NBC". "Nuclear, Biological and Chemical". Biological...
It is well known that the US military operates multiple bioweapons labs in Ukraine - in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lviv (three), Kharkiv, Kyiv (four), Kherson and Ternopil. The US Air Force's recent collection of Russian DNA is, in fact, a legitimate justification for intervention against US bioweapon production in Ukraine.  Let's consider what this attack and subsequent intervention and liberation will look like.

The ukrop offensive will begin at dawn, after a long night of heavy artillery attacks on NAF front line and second line positions all along the Front, from Lugansk to Mariupol. As the ukrop troops and armor advance toward front line NAF positions, ukrop Smerch, Uragan and 152mm howitzers will open up on the 3rd line reserve barracks of NAF troops in the city centers. But our second and third line troops will have already moved out the night before, because the ukrops cannot make a move that we do not know about days in advance.  The ukrops will meet heavy resistance on the front line positions. The NAF will not surrender or retreat, and while many positions will be overrun due to the massive advantages of ukrop arms and numbers, breaking through the front line will be a costly and difficult undertaking. The second and third lines of defense will have taken up their combat positions in their own hometowns, on territory they know intimately, and which has been prepared, like the soldiers themselves, for urban combat.

Twelve hours after the ukrop offensive begins, the Russian liberation will begin. There will have been enough atrocities and civilian casualties in the first half day to justify Russia's reaction to the world.
Sergey Lavrov and Vasily Nebeznya will have a busy few days, but the Russian MOD will not be waiting on the results of their work. The MOD will be showing the results of their own.

Within 24 hours, the Russian and Novorussian Armies will control Lugansk, Mariupol,  Kharkov and Kherson. At the same time, airborne troops will take control of the Ukraine/Polish border. Within the next 48 hours, they will control Donetsk, Odessa and Kiev. There will still be pockets of nazi resistance, but the Russian Army knows how to deal with that.

The military campaign will be intense, but over quickly. Nazis and war criminals will be rounded up and dealt with according to their crimes. Some will require only "re-education", others will spend the rest of their lives rebuilding what they destroyed. Criminal oligarchs such as Kolomoisky and Akmetov will face prison and have their assets nationalized. Though Ukraine and Russia do not have capital punishment, justice will be done. The reunification of Ukraine and Russia, politically, economically, socially and militarily will begin.

The US government and its owners may howl about "Russian aggression" and "national sovereignty", but their hypocrisy will be more than evident. Europe will not be willing to risk itself in an actual shooting war with Russia, nor will it be willing to support nazi war criminals against Russian liberators. While the fascists who control the USA and Canada may be willing to go to war with Russia to "defend Ukraine", a war without Europe's support will be logistically impossible for them. Faced with a choice between Russia's fait accompli in Ukraine or a third world war, even the pro-nazi lunatics in the West will make the only sane decision.

So, in the end, Ukraine will return to the Russian family, to the rightful place it has occupied for 1,000 years, and the cynical experiment in 21st Century fascism will meet its just desserts. And afterwards, Russia, and hopefully, the world, will be on guard against those who would attempt to turn brother against brother and revive the vilest political philosophy the world has ever known.