
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Cynical Murders at Russian Hospital

The attack by US-backed terrorists against a Russian humanitarian field hospital in Aleppo is “not just a violation of international law... It is a pre-planned, cold-blooded murder of doctors by militants.”

Two busses full of women and kids were scheduled to be at the hospital at the time of the attack. An unexpected delay saved many lives. This is outright terrorism, and the terrorists who did it are armed, trained, directed and paid by the US government. Just as the nazi terrorists in Ukraine are.

The miserable response by the Red Cross and the failure of Doctors Without Borders to even comment on the attacks are a clear indication of the bias and political agenda of these so-called "Humanitarian" organizations. The response of the US government is as contemptible as it is expected. In a very real and direct way, it is the US government that committed these murders. This is the work of the US government, not "all of us".

This is an example of the cold, hard, obvious truth that is dubbed "Russian propaganda" and now under attack by the US government and "mainstream media". This is the kind of information that gets people blocked on Facebook or blacklisted as a "fake news" site by the professional liars whose job is to hide the truth.

Your right and access to information is under attack just as certainly as that Russian hospital was in Aleppo. The Information War is just as important and difficult as the military war, and sometimes, just as dangerous. And the Good Guys in the Info War are, as usual, outnumbered by the enemy on every front. So do something yourself, or support those who do bring the truth to light.

‘Cynical & indifferent’: Russian MoD slams Red Cross statement on shelling of hospital in Aleppo »